Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Girls Run The World

A lot of you might be familiar with the recent hit song by Beyonce (the title of this blog).


It is the cry of one of the world's most powerful women. The cry that women now run the world. A valid cry some would argue. More and more evidence points towards the fact women are more competent, more capable, more organised, more responsible. Over the last 100 years or so women of the western world have proved themselves to be more than a match to men. Women have reclaimed the dignity they deserve from a society that has been so overly male dominated for so long. If you look at the current series of 'The Apprentice', for the first three weeks the women's team won. Now into the final eight contestants and 5 are women's, 3 are men. This is in the business world, a world particularly dominated by men, a world which panders to the male ego.

So why is it that in my church, the large majority of women are stay at home wives. The others would seemingly happily give up their job's to have children. Am I in a backward society filled with pushover women. Looking around I can't see a single pushover, these women are strong, responsible, talented, some of the best women I have ever met.

Beyonce screams of how women run the world, how men are relatively useless now and how women are now in control:
"Boy you know you love it
How we're smart enough to make these millions
Strong enough to bare the children
Then get back to business"
Now while Beyonce sings this is this really what she desires. I doubt it. Beyonce herself dates Jay-Z. One of the few people in the world richer and more powerful than her. She most definitely runs aspects of her world, but I don't imagine Jay-Z lets her run their relationship, I don't imagine she runs their world. And to be honest I don't think she would want to.

Beyonce wouldn't want to date a run who she runs, someone less powerful, less successful than her. That's why she dates Jay-Z. While she sings one thing her actions tell another.

Here's something controversial. Women don't want to run the world. If women run the world, men would become weak. Women would have to control, boss and molly cuddle men. Women don't want this. Women want real men and real men run their own world.

Many girls have a thing for 'the bad boy.' A bad boy is essentially someone who lives there own life, won't let a women tell him what to do and lives dangerously. Girls are attracted to aspects of his character, but are often left hurt by his callousness, his disregard of her when he gets bored. They are excited by his mission and his want to take risks, live dangerously.

Women don't want weak men, and a world run by women would lead to a generation of weak men. In church our men aren't weak. They work hard, take risks, lead families, make commitments, look after finances, romance, don't lust. In my church our men are real men. Then alongside these men, stood next to them are women. Their wives. The wives are fulfilled and completely equal to the man, yet at the same time are run by their men.

Real men need to lead. They need to lead their own lives, but also their families, their wives and children. To do this men need opportunities to lead, and in a world led by women, these opportunities would be diminished. Not all women want to be lead by a man, and for those that don't, lead away. But many women have given up on men due to the amount of weak, unpurposeful, sex-driven, lazy, commitmentaphobe men they have met.

Watch 'Don't tell the Bride.' A show about a man organising the wedding. The woman gets no say. She always thinks the man will mess it up, and is nearly always surprised by how well her man does and how well he knows her.

Real mean need to lead. Let men lead, we'll probably (can't speak for all men) step up and surprise you ;)

Women have always wanted equality, rightly so. Equality that doesn't discriminate. Equality is a right, but equality doesn't dismiss roles.


This is a great video to watch from the female perspective!

Thanks for reading and please post comments,


Monday, 13 June 2011

Your Real Dad

Imagine the scene, your lost, craving for acceptance. You're always worried if people like you, and never quite feel satisfied or good enough. This longing to have acceptance was created by a void.

There was someone missing.

This someone could have given you all this. You find out this someone has always been watching over you, this someone is your biggest fan, this someone will never let go of you.

You then find out the many choices you've made that have been detrimental for you have been driving a wedge between you and this Someone. They're dying to know you but these things you do, these things you know aren't good for you have drowned out their voice. You try to return to them, but you are so engulfed by your choices that you cannot bridge the gap, you are defined by things you hate.

Then you meet someone else.

This person is the son and best friend of the Someone. He has never made bad choices, he has always felt accepted and always lived in harmony with this Someone. You look at him and feel dirty.

This guy is so good.

He is so friendly to you, he wants to know all about you. This makes you feel more dirty.

How can someone so good want to know me?!

You crave what he has.

You tell of your longing to be close to his dad but your choices overwhelm you. You tell of how they create a barrier. You tell of how you feel defined by your negative choices.

He asks to take your burden. You can't understand. You know that if he were to take your choices on himself he would have a chasm. Why would he, so close to this Someone, why would he want to create a barrier. If he takes my barrier then I will have no barrier.

But he does not deserve this. He says he knows it is worth it.

You give him your burdens. You feel instantly freed. You can relate to his dad. He says his dad is now your dad too.

There is no longer a barrier between you and the dad you never knew.

You look at his face, you can see the pain of your burdens. He looks wearier and in pain. He has never experienced a barrier between him and his dad.

You weep.

You know without this man it would not be possible to be in relationship with your dad. You know he had to take your burdens, you know this had to happen but you have never felt more compassion, you feel so humbled.

To see a man who had it all is giving it away just to see you have it all.

One day you ask him why. He replies "Because what I have with my dad, I see you crave it. I see you want it but your selfish choices have put a void between you and him. You couldn't get rid of this void, but I can, so that is why I took all your burdens. My dad knows who you really are and now he can reveal it to you."

He looks so weary and strained. His face etched with pain.

He looks at you and says "My name is Jesus, I have done this because I love you and now it is finished." With that he takes his last breath, so beaten by your burdens, so tired by the void you had lived with for so long.